All Tugs Ropes are HandMade (Braided By Hand) in the US.
Just Tugs are made from high quality super soft fleece. Because they are handmade, tugs within the same size category may vary slightly in length and diameter.
Our braided fleece tug ropes are super strong and durable and yet super soft and gently the most tender teeth and gums.
Not only will your dog have tons of fun playing with Just Tugs but their teeth will get a cleaning too.
Spray some of our Wickedly potent all natural teeth spray on the tug right before your dog plays, for extra cleaning action.
Woven Fleece Material Tug Ropes Vs Standard Multi- String Machine Made Tug Rope
Safe vs Not Safe
Veterinarian Thumbs Up On Owiee Fleece Material Tugs.
**Ask your veterinarian to share with you the dangers of the standard multi string tug ropes on the market today.
**Aside from being hard and rough on your dog’s teeth and gums the string ropes become a serious life threatening danger when your dog chews on them and they begin to unravel and the strings separate. It is very dangerous for dogs (or humans) to swallow string. Swallowed string is known to twist around your dog’s intestines and begin to strangle them, cutting off blood supply and oxygen amongst other dangers. Often major surgery needs to be performed to save your dog life. This is not just scary but costly. Since this is a real danger, is life threatening, and given the realistic chance of your dog swallowing these strings, it’s just not worth it. Our tug toys are soft fabric. If your dog chews off fleece pieces and eats them, they’ll just as easily poop it out.