Gavin Enjoying Some Play Time!

Introducing Owiee™ Smart Toys By PawFlex
Most dogs today live within an environment created for humans. They live indoors most of the day with some outdoor breaks. Dogs are genetically and instinctively designed to be on the move and live in a state of awareness. They are highly intelligent and share all the same emotions we have…. stress, boredom, joy, etc, Therefore, it is essential to stimulate their needs that connect them to being a dog so that they can feel happy, healthy balanced, and whole.
Dog toys that speak directly to these needs are pivotal to a dog’s overall health and wellness; psychologically, emotionally and physically. PawFlex®’s line of Owiee™ toys offers the perfect way to provide your dog with a safe outlet to simply be a dog.
Our Tug Attack line is interactive
These high quality fun toys allow you and your dog exciting play time together. When your dog plays, he is happy. When your dog plays with you he experiences absolute joy. Tugging is fun. It’s a game, it’s competition, there is a winner. Your dog’s innate desire to win is driven by his sense of survival. Winning makes him feel strong, safe and secure. Losing to you is OK too because he loves you and knows it’s just a game, but he still wants to win.
Dogs are highly social, loving and friendly animals. They are born with a need to be part of a pack…. a family. Interaction is pivotal. Interacting with people and other dogs allows them to grow and cultivate their social skill which is very important for their survival in a pack as well as in a human environment. Creating a play time and cuddle time for yourself and your dog is not only beneficial to your dog’s health and wellbeing but yours as well. Studies repeatedly show that spending quality time with each other is quite therapeutic. relieving stress and anxiety in both you and your dog.
Featured on Good Morning Orlando!
Interview with Jennifer DiGrazia at the Global Pet Expo!
Keeping your dog’s teeth clean is an added benefit to Tug Attack™ Tug toys The toys handwoven soft fleece tug ropes are soft and gentle on even the most tender teeth and gums, cleaning them as your dog grips, chomps and tugs. Almost every dogs loves a good game of tug of war but sadly there are plenty of small breeds known to be prone to rotten teeth especially as they age. Tug Attack tug ropes are woven to be super strong, resilient and durable but they are also super soft because they are made out of heavy gauge cushiony fleece. Spray some Wickedly Potent! All natural teeth cleaner on the rope beforehand for added cleaning action.
Tug ropes are also sold separately as refill rope for Tug Attack toys or just as a separate tug rope for play. All our handwoven tug ropes are washable. Just thrown them in your washing machine with some towels or rags and toss into the dryer.
Virtually no toy can hold up to a dog that is set out to destroy it.
Know your dog. Know what kind of toys are best for their play.
Our tug ropes are extremely durable. Your dog can have years of fun with the same rope or months of fun depending on your dog.
Tug Attack plush toy component is meant as an interactive toy and not meant for your dog to play alone with it. However the tug rope component can be played with alone unless your dog is the type of dog that will gnaw on a rope toy as if it is a bone. Then supervision is advised.

Woven Fleece Material Tug Ropes Vs Standard Multi- String Machine Made Tug Rope
Safe vs Not Safe
Veterinarian Thumbs Up On Owiee Fleece Material Tugs.
**Ask your veterinarian to share with you the dangers of the standard multi string tug ropes on the market today.
**Aside from being hard and rough on your dog’s teeth and gums the string ropes become a serious life threatening danger when your dog chews on them and they begin to unravel and the strings separate. It is very dangerous for dogs (or humans) to swallow string. Swallowed string is known to twist around your dog’s intestines and begin to strangle them, cutting off blood supply and oxygen amongst other dangers. Often major surgery needs to be performed to save your dog life. This is not just scary but costly. Since this is a real danger, is life threatening, and given the realistic chance of your dog swallowing these strings, it’s just not worth it. Our tug toys are soft fabric. If your dog chews off fleece pieces and eats them, they’ll just as easily poop it out.
Toys that allow dogs to indulge in their natural prey instincts do not make dogs more aggressive. They actually keep dogs happy, healthy and balance.
Dogs are SMART!
They know the difference between ripping out the stuffing of a stuffed toy vs a real animal just as Drug sniffing dogs know the difference between sniffing out a drug or a cookie.